Coach: Francesca Smith
Package: Executive Management Package
Price: $13,000.00
Sessions Included:
- 1 - Leadership/Executive - Discovery Session
- 12 - Leadership/Executive - Coaching Session
- 1 - Leadership Circle Profile debrief
This package is for leaders in roles from Senior Director to C-Level executives seeking professional development through a strategic coaching relationship. The package includes:
- Partner with a coach to tackle challenges, set goals, and start seeing big results. Twelve months of focused coaching to develop competencies in 3-5 key areas
- (1) 90-minute intensive in-take interview, with written evaluation of your current situation, desired change, and short-term and long-term goals
- Monthly 60-min sessions on goals, strategies, success factors, and accountability
- The Leadership Circle Profile™ 360 Assessment & Report (access to online assessment to be completed by you and your selected participants)
- Leadership Circle Assessment Results Debrief (90 mins)
- Leadership Development Plan
- Ongoing Phone and Email Support
- Exit interview to determine the lessons learned and ROI on coaching engagement