Coach: Francesca Smith
Package: Challenge and Change
Price: $760.00
Sessions Included:
- 04 - Coaching Session
This package is specially designed to support you through major changes like:
- immigration or reallocation
- changing profession
- becoming a parent
- separation and divorce
- transitioning to retirement
Sessions offer a space for reflection and discovery during periods of change, redefinition and growth.
All assessments and resources included.
Additional sessions can be added at $190.
Client Information
Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions
- Client’s Responsibility: Client understands and agrees that Client is fully and exclusively responsible for Client’s physical, mental and emotional well-being during coaching sessions, including all choices and decisions Client makes about whether and how to incorporate the Coach’s advice into Client’s life. The Coach depends on Client’s self-awareness and willingness to honestly interact with the Coach so that each party is able to make adjustments as needed. “Coaching” is a Professional-Client relationship designed to facilitate the creation and development of personal, professional or business goals and to develop and carry out a strategy or plan for achieving those goals. Client agrees to indemnify and hold Coach harmless from any claim, action or loss allegedly or actually related to this Agreement.
- Termination: Either Client or Coach may terminate this Agreement at any time after providing the other party with two (2) weeks’ written notice. Client understands and agrees that Client is obligated to pay the Coach for all services and deliverables provided to Client before this Agreement ends.
- Not a Substitute for Counseling: Coaching does not involve the diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders as defined by the American Psychiatric Association. Coaching is not a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care or substance abuse treatment and Client promises that Client will not use it in place of any form of diagnosis, treatment or therapy. If Client is currently under the care of a mental health professional or begins such care during the term of this Agreement, Client promises to consult with that professional regarding the advisability of working with a coach. Client also promises that all existing mental health professionals, if any, working with Client are aware of Client’s decision to enter into this coaching relationship.
- No Refunds: Client is not entitled to any refunds for pre-paid services and these services are valid for 6 months. Client must complete services within 6 months from the effective date of this Agreement. If Client needs to reschedule any coaching session, Coach requires a minimum of 48 hours advance notice. If Client fails to show up for any scheduled appointment or fails to reschedule an appointment with at least 48 hours prior notice, Client is not entitled to a refund for the missed appointment. If the missed appointment is part of a pre-paid package, the missed session will count as a completed session in the package.
- Confidentiality: The Coach will hold Client’s information confidential unless Client agrees to a disclosure of confidential information in writing (which may include e-mail correspondence). Client understands and agrees that Coach may need to provide a list of clients (only includes Client’s name, email address or phone number, start and end dates, and a total of coaching hours) to credentialing agencies so that Coach maintains applicable credentials. Coach may also use information gathered during sessions when communicating with others as long as the information is completely anonymous and Client’s identity could not reasonably be determined from the information. Client also understands that, in certain instances, the Coach might be under a legal obligation to reveal confidential information.
- Copyrights: Client understands and agrees that Coach owns the sole copyright to written material provided to Client unless otherwise indicated at the time. Client is entitled to personal use (which includes individual professional development) of this material but may not distribute the material or use it to provide professional services to others.
- Purpose of Coaching: Client understands and agrees that coaching should never be used as a substitute for professional advice by legal, medical, financial, business, spiritual or other qualified professionals. Client will seek independent professional guidance for legal, medical, financial, business, spiritual or other matters.
- Severability: If one or more of the provisions in this Agreement is deemed void by law, including, but not limited to, the covenant not to compete, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.
- Governing Law: The parties agree that this Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Texas. The parties further agree that venue for the resolution of any dispute regarding this Agreement shall be Travis County, Texas.
- Entire Agreement: This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties, and supersedes all prior agreements and negotiations, whether oral or written. There are no other agreements between the parties, except as set forth in this Agreement. No supplement, modification, waiver, or termination of this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and executed by the parties to this Agreement